Optimal Health Jamaica

The Pain Clinic


Integrating all treatments proven to bring you LONG TERM PAIN RELIEF, the PAIN CLINIC empowers you to live Pain and Drug Free. Numerous studies by the NIH, the Mayo Clinic and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation have shown that Acupuncture, leading our multidisciplinary approach, provides sustained acute and chronic pain relief.

THE PAIN CLINIC brings you a complete, well-integrated resource combining all modalities recognized to effectively eliminate pain & inflammation, deeply relax muscles & speed the healing process.

Multidisciplinary treatments were found to be superior to chiropractic, massage or physical therapy treatments alone. The Pain Clinic’s combination of all treatments has benefits that persist over time, speeding return to work and daily activities. The multi-factorial nature of chronic pain is the reason why independent treatments are so limited. Personalized combination treatments are the answer. Research has demonstrated multidisciplinary care to be the treatment of choice. Flor et al. (1992) conducted a meta-analytic review of multidisciplinary pain treatment, concluding that patients treated in multidisciplinary programs functioned better than 75% of patients treated by single approaches. Our unique evidence–based and proven centralized pain model focuses on reversing the endorphin, serotonin and other significant neurotransmitter pain killer depletion found in chronic pain sufferers. This results in a significant reduction in long-lasting pain, insomnia and depression WITHOUT the need for narcotics, drugs, surgery or ongoing supplementation.

Conditions Effectively Treated By The Pain Clinic

  • Lower Back Pain
  • Neck & Knee Pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Infertility, Male And Female​
  • Erectile Dysfunction, Prostate Health​
  • MIgraines & Headache
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Mentral Pain
  • Lupus
  • Smoking/Addiction
  • Myofascial Pain
  • Dental Pain & Anxiety
  • Tennis/Golf Elbow
  • Athletic Injuries
  • Work Place Injuries
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