On-Site Massage

Recharge, Re-energize, Revitalize

Services Offered

Rejuvenation Massage Break

The 5 to 30 minute Rejuvenation Massage Break offers a convenient, effective release from the accumulated workplace tension and discomfort with the help of short massage breaks right at the workstation or in a designated area. The release of tension and increased circulation will increase productivity in addition to reducing the effects of accumulated stress resulting in a variety of health concerns.

Conference Massage

A unique way to energize, motivate and invigorate delegates at conferencing events. Offering a refreshing 5-15 minute chair massage increases concentration and focus. In addition to making your delegates feel refreshed, on site massage will improve the impact of your key messages and the association they have with your brand

Event Massage

Our mobile massage makes your event stand out from the crowd, leaving your guests feeling relaxed and refreshed. Your package can be customized to ensure that your clients and guests receive a personal experience leaving them feeling truly valued.


  • Exhibitions: raise the profile of your stand, increase traffic, draw crowds.
  • Product Launches: promote new products and services in a memorable way.
  • Corporate Events: health initiative days, motivational incentives, reward schemes, corporate hospitality events, sporting events
  • Store Openings & Hospitality Events: treat your loyal clients & customers
THE PAIN CLINIC is dedicated to bringing cutting edge, atural, safe, effective, evidence based pain relief to Jamaica


  • Cornell University researcher, Sean Nicholson, says, “the literature shows that employers can save an average of $3 for every $1 they invest in improving their workers’ health. Other research has put saving as high as nearly $6 for each investment dollar
  • According to Health & Safety Executives, musculoskeletal disorders(physical pain) are the most common occupational illness reported in the UK affecting over 1.1 million staff per year, resulting in sickness, absence, high staff turnover, and poor performance in the organization.


  • A new ADP Survey has revealed that employer based wellness programs
    are a key part of any successful HR strategy when seeking to improve the health of employees, boost productivity, and control healthcare cost.
  • The American Journal of Health Promotion has shown that employers with sufficient wellness programs see an average 27% reduction in sick-leave absenteeism, 26% reduction in healthcare costs, and a 32% reduction in workers comp and disability claims. (Sept. 2012)
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